So I've gas a chance to share with you part of my disdain for the phrase ABCD, hopefully with enough explanation to make you understand why it's just an overall terrible phrase.
(Note: maybe we are just victims of d being a letter we had to use. Apparently ABC is used for American Born Chinese swimmingly.)
Here's another atrocious word from our NRI Brown lexicon that is equally heinous and bullshit. FOB.
Friends on or just from the subcontinent, this terms means Fresh Off the Boat. It is a term used to highlight the idea that some brownie is new to this foreign culture of which tey have not been exposed to or adapted to.
But.. But.. Whats wrong if they just came here?
Well, you ask a good question. But I think there are a few assumptions and/or accompanying thoughts when using this phrase that aren't highlighted when people refer to their use of FOB so innocently...
1. I don't mean any harm. Have you ever said it in a positive manner? Don't lie to yourself on this one. You may have meant it was a good thing for you to watch two Bollywood movies this weekend but when you say it was so fobbed out, there's an implicit statement made about how it's unlike you or something a different kind of person would do. Right?
2. It's just a quick way of saying something is straight from or new from India. Oh really. How many times have you told someone your jewelry was "fobby", sista? Did you ever describe that tailored suit as "fobby" at that wedding you went to, bro? Have you ever had a guest from India come stay with you? I'm sure yes, brown people of the world. And did you refer to them as fobs? Bet not. Unlessss you are really that much of a douche.
3. Dude, I've heard you say it. Yeah that's true. I cannot comment on my past mistakes but I can try to correct my behavior for the future, nah mean?
4. What's the big deal? A little sensitive aren't you? I've never said it to someone's face. Yeah, well that's kind of the point. I'm going to draw a parallel here, and might seem extreme but... Have you ever used the phrase "nigger" or "chink". I bet you have, maybe not with malicious intent to hurt someone. But have you ever said those words to the people of those ethnic groups? Thought not.
Here's the thing. I went to a college that had an Indian Students Association. Whether you had an ASA, ISA, SASA, whatever- you had one and many of you joined right. Did you ever mix it up and chop it up with exchange students? Did you hang out with those Indian grad students? Or was it just y'all born in (country that's not India) cliquing together. I know the answer. But here's the humorous part. What did you wear to your formal? Did you have a dance team.. Did they dance Indian dances? Was there Indian music? Indian snacks and food? Man y'all some fobs. Nah hold up.
Wouldn't it be cool to know Hindi? Be able to speak it better? Speak your regional language? See the most recent movies in India without bootleg ass quality? Sightsee in India? Know about Indian politics. Have an understand of the Indian stock exchange (idk lol). If any of these are true.. You are so jelly that you're a hater. Frealz.
Ever hung out with these cats? Ok I agree some are the hair oil, smell bad, cheap ass kind of people. A lot are cool as shit and similar to us. Party hard- drinks, smoke weed, do drugs. Musical tastes could be more classic rock or more modern. Could have had many significant others and been getting laid way more.
I mean.. We are not so different. That's something that you just gotta figure out, brownies.
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